Sal Klita Blogger | Muzik impressions

Sal Klita Blogger

Tuesday, April 4

Banana Brave Are Hailing from Taiwan...It's An Exotic Indie Pop.

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Hailing from Taiwan, this is the first release from this new group. The music is the softest of pop, in the vein of the Fairways or Wussom Pow - in fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they were going to be a new Shelflife band. The songs are acoustic-based tunes, with frequent use of synthesizers and strings, while the vocals are very soft-spoken, with female backing vocals. The band sometimes comes across a bit too fragile, as at times they seem to be almost trembling (especially during the opening "Could You See The Rainbow Laugh"), but during "Isn't It Raining", their confidence shines through, making it the strongest of the three songs (although it could stand to be a bit shorter). The final song on the ep is sung and titled in Chinese, so I couldn't tell you its name - but it's still my favorite song of the three...By

Listen To: "Isn't It Raining" (Real Player)

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