Sal Klita Blogger | Muzik impressions

Sal Klita Blogger

Sunday, July 31

A New Magnetic Hip Hop Release - "Destiny Or Destination" By Mercury Waters.

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Whenever many artists from the same area blow up, or at least garner critical acclaim, the saying goes that it must be something in the water. And for all we know it might just be Mercury. Mercury Waters is one of the many artists that grabbed the attention of a worldwide audience, while his arse stays safely put in - is it the D.C. area?
The brand of rap coming from that area - stuff like Oddisee - is so called retro/earth tones/traditional rap, as there's samples throughout the recordings, the songs have more soul than a half arsed player can ever tickle out of a keyboard and the lyrics are not about bang-bang, bump-bump, puff-puff rhetoric. Instead the soul searching is not just a journey to a dusty record shelve, but also into oneself or ourself.
Mercury Waters' album "Destiny Or Destination" is missing the high profile guest appearances. It's minus the attention distracting known producer contribution; instead we're treated to unknown folks amongst unknown folks. Actually the only people we have heard of are Craig Rip who produced "Raw In The Flesh" and Blakout if he's the UJ Empire dude, who's appearing on "The Bell Done Rang Remix." And he's only one among three guests, the others being Velben (a good sounding cat) on "Maybe Maybe Not" and Abb-D on "Consider This".

Thematically Mercury is very poetic. He does not really say things in the straightest ways, but rather puffs everything up with some more beautiful or elaborate descriptions. With that he reminds us a little bit of an Ill Poetic, what cannot help you much though, considering that Ill is another very talented whilst unfairly unknown cat. Therefore there are also moments of exploring in all the types that bugger can appear and manifest - and just one example is "You Alive." There are moments where Mercury manifests himself like on "Raw In The Flesh" and moments where he sounds like a lesser and tamer Chino XL voice wise and Ras Kass thematically like on "Pavement Pain." And just somehow he finds the time to also drop some braggadocio verses.

nd maybe that's what can eventually make or break you enjoying this album: if this is a little too fancy a rapping for you, then the enjoyment will be less. If you don't mind or even feast on such a style, then Mercury Waters's album has to be something you must try to hunt down.

The title track "Destiny Or Destination" builds a bridge to a Little Brother with the hand clapping. But on top of that we get a great nightly vibe that even gives reason to the singing during the hook. Another great song is "Chaotic" produced by Flatworld Audio or the blues influenced "The Bell Done Rang" - even though this is the one time where the flow really is badly matched and a more sing songy style would be much more appropriate. "You Alive (Remix)" features one of the best beats on here, and even "Some Sort Of Outroduction" is kinda funny, even if it's a little bit like "Book Of Rhymes" by Nas. And then there are of course the stinkers like "Forever Always" with an annoying hook and a bad beat. It's definitely not advisable to pour some mercury in your water to sound like this artist here. It's probably cheaper to directly import tab water from D.C., cause the Hospital Bill will be a sucker. So whatever is in that water, Mercury Waters is another artists you may watch out for. He's not quite there yet to be your favourite rapper or producer, but this album is already rather good. (Review By Urban Smarts)


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A Reminder > Sal Klita Blogger Reprezent: Online Radio Broadcast 24 Hours A Day By - Radio Indie Pop.

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Radio Indie Pop Provide 24 hours A Day Broadcast Of Indie Rock & Electronics From The Past 30 Years.
No Talking, No Advertising & Especially: No Bullshit! Just Pure Muzik!
By Any Reload Or Refresh On Any Page Of This Blog Y'll Hear A New Song Broadcast By - Radio Indie Pop.

By The Way, If U Wanna Read Individual Post Go Ahead, U'll Hear The Muzik Over There Too. & If U Wanna Kill The Muzik (Though I Know U Don't) So Go To The Bottom & Play With The Volume Of The Icon Station Or Choose Y'r Fave Vicious Indie Song To Listen To.


Saturday, July 30

Check Out Some Of Kid Kameleon Mixtapes...

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The Canadian Kid Kameleon Is One Of My Fave Dub, Freestyle, Breaks & Mesh Up's dj. Check Out Some Of His MP3 Mixtapes From Around The Net:

Mixtaep From 2004

Absolutely Shocking - no' 1

Even More Shocking - no' 2

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Kid Kameleon Blog

A Reminder To - "Trompe Le Monde" By The Pixies.

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The Pixies' final album is an emphatic musical statement. The hugely influential alternative band exited the music scene in almost the same way it entered - loud, weird, primitive and beautiful.

The four-piece band released one album per year after a neutron bomb of a debut full-length, Surfer Rosa, in 1988. By 1990's Bossanova, they had discovered how to polish their initially raw music with a sheen of clear production. While Trompe Le Monde ventures even further in this direction, it is also the Pixies' quirkiest and most racuous record, as dissonant (but crisp) guitars clash against pristine, jumpy bass lines and hectic drums, with Black Francis' famous screams getting louder all the time.

You can tell from the opening song that the band is getting more creative with age - a shimmering backdrop of furry guitars support Francis, musing over abstract poetry on a girl's tee-shirt ("'Why do cupids and angels continually haunt her dreams like memories of another life?' / is painted on her shirt in capitals"), with so much fury you'd think he was giving invaluable life advice - and he probably is.

This powerful mood is sustained well into the album. The songs stop on a dime, only for another to pick up the beat and jettison the sound back into the blue sky.

Francis' lyrics explore topics such as wandering aliens picking up Earth's transmission signals, the lifestyles of underappreciated revolutionary architects, and the aesthetics of dinosaur extinction - that's just in the first four songs. Even filler becomes an artistic excercise: "Space (I Believe In)" starts by lamenting the trials of the recording process ("We needed something to move and fill up the space / we needed something; this always is just the case") but moves into such an inspiring Joey Santiago guitar solo, the listener is left wondering how the band could actually consider this a fill-up track. Then, here's Francis in the bridge, announcing "Now, I'm gonna sing the 'Perry Mason' theme" and doing just that. Why wouldn't ya?

Trompe Le Monde means "Trick The World" in French - perhaps the trick was releasing an album with such vitality and intensity as the band was on its last legs. Francis would disband the Pixies by way of a press release a year later, as the "alternative revolution" was in full swing. But this was no half-hearted parting shot - the Pixies remained innovative and essential throughout their short but sweet career.
(Review By Nude as the News)

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Sal Klita Blogger Reprezent: Online Radio Broadcast 24 Hours A Day By - Radio Indie Pop.

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By Any Reload Or Refresh On The Main Page Y'll Hear A New Song Broadcast By - Radio Indie Pop.

By The Way, If U Wanna Read Individual Post Go Ahead, U'll Hear The Muzik Over There too. & If U Wanna Kill The Muzik (Though I Know U Don't) So Go To The Bottom & Play With The Volume Or Choose Y'r Fave Vicious Indie Song To Listen To.


& For This Crossroads I'v Been Waiting For Some Time...

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Morphlexis is one of the best israeli artists i'v ever heard. he's mashing & wander around the dark muzik & home land of Nick Cave & Peter Murphy & his doing it in a such of inspiring & elegant fingerprints.

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Check him out, & especially "As We Fall" amazing song.


Old Label

Friday, July 29

Boozoo Bajou New LP.

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After the world-wide success of their debut-album "Satta", Boozoo Bajou return with "Dust My Broom". Yes, the laidback feel of their sound re-flects the eased-out attitude and pace, with which the Boozoo´s produce their music. Good things simply take time. The term "Dust My Broom" is rooted in blues music. In the figurative sense, amongst others, this term means to "make a clean sweap" and the be-ginning of something new. An apt title for the second album by Boozoo Ba-jou, with which the two Nuremberg, Germany, based producers Peter Heider and Florian Seyberth join !K7 Records after years of collaboration with label Stereo Deluxe. Besides the new label cooperation, "Dust My Broom" most of all it´s the beginning of something new as it marks a fresh new chapter in the sound of Boozoo Bajou. The opening track "Keep Going" starts with the deep Southern voice of country legend Tony Joe White, which Boozoo Bajou have repeatedly cited as one of their main musical influences. Track two, "Take It Slow" features the voice of U-Brown, another roots legend, this time from Kingston, Jamaica. U-Brown is one of JA´s most renowned voices, he was MC at "King Tubby´s Hometown Hi-Fi" sound system amongst others. On "Take It Slow" he mingles with Joe Dukie from New Zealand´s Fat Freddy´s Drop, one of the greatest soul reggae voices of the new millenium. A track that perfectly illustrates the skills of Boozoo Bajou to create musical continuities be-tween the past and the present. For the track "Way Down", the Boozoo´s engaged young blues singer Ben Weaver, who sings in a Tom Waits kind of style about the ups and downs of the music business. "Moanin´" is sung by Berlin based blues singer Wayne Martin, who already appeared on the Boozoo Bajou song "Camioux", which was released in 2002. Last but not least "Treat Me", featuring soul crooner and the voice of Blaxploitation´s "Foxy Brown" Willie Hutch, who elegantly rounds up the cameos of a highly impressive list of guest vocalists that wonderfully contributed to "Dust My Broom". Without a doubt, "Dust My Broom" can already be considered a classic and it´s a more than worthy follow up to "Satta".
(Review By Soulseduction)

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Thursday, July 28

My Fave Indie Release At The Moment...


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1. "Dont Drop Off"
2. "Get Out"
3. "Location"
4. "Darkness Save Us"
5. "Hope Floats"

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The Amazing EP Come's Out from Stockholm-based artist The Grand Opening aka Roger Olsson. Music performed by Jens Pettersson, Johanna Ojala, Jonathan Hummelman, Maria Stensdotter, Joakim Labraaten and Roger Olsson. Recorded by The Grand Opening during 2004. Additional recordings at Klapp & Klang in Feb. 2005. Mixed by Jonathan Hummelman and Roger Olsson. The five songs EP is a short & rare indie art form combines the sound of All About Eve & American Analog Set with a touch of the fascinating voice by David Sylvian.
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The Cloud Room New Album.

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The first thing I thought when I heard The Cloud Room's self-titled debut album was "man, these guys must be from New York." So I pull out the press sheet and, lo and behold, it's NYC all the way. Man, am I ever wrong? Well, perhaps (I remember a year ago listing a song as being in a minor key only to be later informed it was in C major), but this band is pure, slick, Big Apple style indie rock. Nothing experimental, just a modern, glossy-but-not-too-glossy pop sound. If you can ignore their trendy cover art and the hip but casual band member photos in the liner notes, you should really be able to appreciate what amounts to eleven solid tunes.

The fun starts with the memorable "Hey Now Now," but "Waterfall" is the first truly successful tune - its shifting structure accentuates the melody well. The disc splits the rest of its duration between energetic, slick rock tracks ("Blackout," "Beautiful Mess") and calmer pop songs ("Sunlight Song," "O My Love"). Nuggets like "Devoured in Peace" and "Blue Jean" rank among the albums best songs, coupling dramatic, lifting textures with extremely enjoyable melodies. This is a bit Strokes, a bit Walkmen, and pure NYC. I'm having trouble thinking up points of comparison, but this is definitely a recognizable sound. For all its familiarity, though, there's a lot to like here. (Review By Indeiville)

"Hey Now Now" Video

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The Occupants Of Six Across Remixes.

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MP3's..."Choose Your Own Adventure"..."Evacuation Plan For Subspace Platform 11b"

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An Intense Power Pop By Hushdrops.

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Complain all you want about production-obsessed, melody-happy, Brian Wilson-toenail-clipping-collecting melodic pop auteurs; when they actually have a gift for melody and composition, they can make the creation of great songs seem not only effortless, but as necessary as breathing. Hushdrops, composed of longtime Chicago scenesters and background musicians John San Juan and Joe Camarillo, are clearly studio rats whose time has come - musicians for whom the careful layering of instruments and melodies is not merely an optional effect, but the sole direct route to musical truth. Thankfully, their obsessiveness, their ambition and the two years that it took them to get this album recorded have not dulled or compromised its effectiveness in any way. Volume One is filled with knowledge of its touchstones, worthy of its forbears, and a pure blast of summery fun to listen to.

Full disclosure: the fact that the disc's third track (and one of the album's highlights), "Emily", shares a name with a certain Mrs. McCallon certainly hasn't hurt the band's status in my estimation.

"I Get What I Want" is a good place to start in discussing Volume One's many delights. The opening portion takes a cue from Abbey Road's B-side, mixes in a little of the super-shiny pop sound of, say, Steely Dan, and pins the chorus on a slab of distorted, Smashing Pumpkins-style guitar. There's a whip-lashing effect at work here, exemplifying a personality's poles - calm and easygoing versus harsh and demanding. "Doctor V" rides a metallophone up the scale to pure pop bliss, where the vocals are taken over by a lovely female guest. The track's gently bouncy tone belies its rather dour subject matter, the pharmacological escape from romantic pain.

The above tracks were praised pretty much at random: anyplace your laser lands, the output satisfies. Even "Miami Rap", thankfully, turns out to be a Blur-style rocker (think "Bank Holiday" from Parklife) rather than an ill-conceived hip-hoppification of the Hushdrops' sound. Closer "Here She Comes" takes its sweet time getting started, with well over a minute of wind-up before the twin female vocals take over, drifting over the track's insistent drumming and careful distortion. The result is what you'd get if you locked My Bloody Valentine, Ivy, and possibly Magnapop in a room and forced them to agree on how a song should sound. Oh, and the careful mix-through of the rhythm track and the overarching wave of distortion in the closing minutes is a real treat.

This album is brilliantly good. If you're jonesing for a new pop band to call your own, or you're just looking for a great new tune to sing for the Emily in your life, you'll find it here.
(Review By Splendid)

MP3's..."Movie For A Rained Out Ballgame"..."Doctor V"...
"Summer People"..."Macho"

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Wednesday, July 27

Check Out The New Single By dEUS...

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It's Probably One Of The Best Singles Y'll Hear This Year.

>"7 Days, 7 Weeks"<

in courtesy of bvb.

A Reminder To - "Everything" - Compilation By Tones On Tail.

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The need for something that finally put together the entire Tones on Tail legacy had long been clear before the release of Everything!. Earlier CD efforts were patchy at best -- the original U.K. compilation Night Music brought together many strong points but left off others, notably "Performance," "Slender Fungus," and "The Never Never (Is Forever)." In turn, the early-'90s U.S. compilation titled after the band included those but left off other key tracks. Thanks to the extensive Beggars Banquet reissue program near the end of the 1990s, coinciding with the successful Bauhaus reunion tour, all of the various tracks, rarities, and long-lost efforts were put together in a fine two-CD package. The first reproduced the original Pop album with its proper running order, which was a good move given the fine sequencing and organization of that album.

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The second pulls together the original singles and alternate takes; while the releases themselves are not organized chronologically on the disc, the track listing for each item is more or less preserved. The group's underground hit "Go!," being originally a B-side for the Pop track "Lions," leads off the second disc on its own. It remains a wonderful, atypical dancefloor smash, with Ash's loopy "ya-ya" chorus, Haskins' nutty percussion patterns, Campling's great fuzz bassline, and more all coming together in weird and fun ways. The various moody instrumentals and sharp, outre pop efforts from the other singles all have strong points aplenty; standouts include the sickly ballad "Burning Skies," an understated shot from Ash to Bauhaus singer Peter Murphy, and the nicely nutty "There's Only One." The final listed track is a bootleg-quality live version of "Heartbreak Hotel" that's pretty sharp in terms of performance, while a secret bonus track features a U.K. radio interview with Ash. The excellent packaging includes a brief historical essay, a full discography and gigography, and complete lyrics. (Review By AMG)

Listen To Disc 1 - Listen To Disc 2

More About Tones On Tail

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Tuesday, July 26

A Reminder To - "La Maison De Mon Rêve" By CocoRosie From 2004 & A New Album For The Duo Is Out In September.

La Maison De Mon Rêve 2004

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La Maison De Mon Rêve is one of these records that you either love or hate. Nothing can really prepare for the dilettante approach adopted by CocoRosie here, and the decidedly amateurish finish of a record that has far more to offer than can be appreciated at first. If the term lo-fi needed to be defined, it would be by this album.
Although she trained as an opera singer in high school, and despite receiving praises from the world of classical music, Sierra Casady, who had began singing gospel and spirituals as a child, wanted more than just belting out pieces written by others. Composing new classical material while performing is not always seen very well in the sometimes precious world of classical music, and Sierra decided that what she was looking for was to be found somewhere else. Equally, Bianca spent years trying to find a way to express herself, finally ending up in Paris with just her sister’s phone number in hand. After leading completely different lives for some time, Sierra and Bianca were reunited through music. It was only a matter of time before the pair started playing together.

Recorded during the spring and summer of last year in a tiny Parisian flat, this album is far more colourful and, in part, disturbing, than it’s innocent title, which translates as ‘the house in my dream’, would lead to think. La Maison De Mon Rêve resounds to the sound of blues, gospel, early jazz and folk, yet everything here appears deceptively simple and childish. The density of CocoRosie’s songs is the fruit of the chemistry that exists between the two sisters. The melodies have the kind of innocence and sweetness of little girls’ playground songs, the guitar lines are almost too plain to be taken seriously, and the approximative beats and noises found scattered here and there only accentuate the amateurish feel of this record. Yet, it would be easy to dismiss this collection of poetic blues/folk for something totally unsubstantial. Between Vanessa Paradis and Billie Holliday, Nina Simone and Maria Callas, the sisters’ voices whirlwind around each other, play hide and seek, tease, twist the mood and destabilising. CocoRosie’s lyrics are as perverse as they appear innocent on the surface, with tortuous tales of love, faith, devotion or sex splattered all over By Your Side, Jesus Loves Me, Tahiti Rain Song or Lyla, and it rapidly becomes difficult to resist their little universe becoming yours, if only for a moment.

This album sometimes proves difficult to sustain, even over forty minutes. CocoRosie haven’t made things easy for themselves here, crafting a strange and disconcerting record out of almost nothing. La Maison De Mon Rêve can only be appreciated under certain circumstances, preferably when the mind is relaxed and slightly out of focus. When the mood is right though, it becomes precious and reveals its hidden beauties. If just for these moments, this album is simply splendid.
(Review Published By The Milk Factory)

"Good Friday" mp3

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"Beautiful Boyz" CD Single 2004

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"Noah's Ark" New Album 2005

Label Page

Monday, July 25

What The F... Bauhaus Are Coming Back?

According to the BBC 6 report, Peter Murphy & Bauhaus are gonna come back very soon with a brand new album.

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The - Official - Site

Most Listened Records These Days.

Click on pic for further details

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"A School Of Secret Dangers" By Amy Annelle...2001

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"Seven Swans" By Sufjan Stevens...2004

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"The Violet Hour" By The Clientele...2003

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"Lazer Guided Melodies" By Spiritualized...1992

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"Suburban Light" By The Clientele...2000

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"Mobile Safari" By The Pastels...1995

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"More Or Less Mono" By Dub Tractor...2003

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"Basically Sad" By Element Of Crime...1986

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"Innovator" By Derrick May...1997

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"Cymande" By Cymande...1973

Saturday, July 23

Page France - New Album.

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...It's Folky, Winter Rain Drops, Naive, Childish, Charming, Distant, Intimate, Melancholic. A Pretty Small Album But It Works Exactly As A Frozen Vacuum Cleaner Cuz It's Soooo...Damn Hot Outside! They Reminds Me The Rain Parade Or Parsley Sound, & If U Wanna Stream The Whole Album Then U Should Click On The Cover Pic Down The Bottom. Light A Cigarette & Drink Some Chocolate...Now Y'r Ready To Blow Away In The Wind...

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R.I.P Luke Haines.

"Luke Haines is Dead": A Collection of The Auteurs, Luke Haines & Baader Meinhof As Bs Classics, Out-takes, Sessions and Rarities.

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Disc 1
Das Capital Overture
Bailed Out (unreleased 'first single')
Glad To Be Gone (b side)
Staying Power (b side)
Junk Shop Clothes (BBC session)
She Might Take A Train (ltd edition single given away with first vinyl pressing of `New Wave')
Subculture (ltd edition single b side)
Government bookstore (BBC)
Housebreaker (acoustic version, Rough Trade single)
Valet Parking (acoustic version, Rough Trade single)
How Could I Be Wrong (single version)
Starstruck (live acoustic)
Home Again (live acoustic)
American Guitars
Wedding Day (b side)
High Diving Horses (b side)
Lenny Valentino (single recording)
Disneyworld (b side)
I'm A Rich Man's Toy

Disc 2
The Upper Classes (BBC session)
Everything You Say Will Destroy You (BBC)
A Sister Like You
Underground Movies (alternate recording - French single)
Brainchild (alternate recording - French single)
Chinese Bakery (BBC)
Modern History (b side)
New French Girlfriend (BBC)
Light Aircraft On Fire (single recording)
Carcrash (b side)
X Boogie Man (b side)
New Brat In Town (unreleased - intended Sub Pop single)
Tombstone (unreleased version)
Back With The Killer Again (EP track)
Unsolved Child Murder
Former Fan (EP track)
Kenneth Anger's Bad Dream (EP track)
Kids' Issue (BBC/EP track)
A New Life, A New Family (BBC/EP track)
Buddha (BBC/EP track)
After Murder Park (BBC/EP track)

Disc 3
Baader Meinhof
Meet Me At The Airport
I've Been A Fool For You (Ltd edition 7" single; given away with initial pressing of Baader Meinhof)
Accident (Fuse remix)
Mogadishu (Dalai Lama remix)
ESP Kids (unreleased)
Future Generation (unreleased)
Politic (unreleased)
Johnny and The Hurricanes (Bootboys out-take, unreleased)
The Rubettes
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do (b side)
Get Wrecked At Home (b side)
Essex Bootboys (Bootboys out-take, unreleased)
Discomania (alternate version, unreleased)
Couple Dancing (unreleased)
How To Hate The Working Classes
The Oliver Twist Manifesto (unreleased version)
Never Work
Skin Tight (recorded for the film 'Showboy', unreleased)
Satan Wants Me
The Mitford Sisters
Bugger Bognor

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Andy Votel Mixtape & Twisted Nerve Compilation.

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Been listening to this non-stop since we got it. And selling 'em too, as soon as customers hear it (or even just hear about it, if they're like us). Wow. Now, you probably know that here at Aquarius we're partial to the prog. So, when we heard that a DJ mix of obscure tracks from the catalog of '70s UK label Vertigo, who specialized in prog, heavy psych, and weird-ass jazz rock was to be released, we were, well, psyched. And jazzed. And, uh, progged? Indeed. We were thinking that this could be something really great, as after all there were a lot of great records released on Vertigo (home of the famed "swirl" label). And great it IS, both in terms of the source material and the "60 course psychedelic smorgasbord" medley-like sound-collage approach taken to putting it together, which maximizes the amount of brilliant hooks and grooves that could be packed into one cd, while making for one dizzying, "swirl" worthy ride.
The story there is that DJ Andy Votel (who compiled the Folk Is Not A Four Letter Word disc we listed last time, among other things) was asked, in a dream-come-true moment, to put together a "best of Vertigo" collection. But since, in his own words, progressive rock tracks are "not short, they're EPIC" he was faced with a dilemma. How to fit more than just three or four songs on the cd?? His solution was to boil down his favorite Vertigo LPs to short excerpts, stitching together these many "vinyl snippets" into a 68 minute mega-mix. The overall effect is still very "prog" indeed, as it's definitely a prog move to jump around from one motif to the next, dynamically or schizophrenically changing things up in a short span of time. Yet it all flows well together, this could almost be one tour-de-force album from one AMAZING band!!
The credits list 38 songs by 29 artists, all from Votel's personal Vertigo vinyl collection -- Aphrodite's Child, Gracious, Colosseum, Affinity, Juicy Lucy, Uriah Heep, May Blitz, Warhorse, Gravy Train, Baker Gurvitz Army, Cressida, Patto, Flied Egg, Nucleus, Atlantis, Frumpy, Freedom, and many more, most of 'em hailing from the UK but also some from overseas, including Japan and Greece. Vertigo's best known signing has to be Black Sabbath, and while they don't appear in the credits I trust you'll hear something from 'em on here too, first thing (and later on as well, when Votel mixes the harp blowing from "The Wizard" into a May Blitz tune).

Thusly loaded with heaviness, groove, and Mellotrons, you get everthing from (old school) acid jazz to flutey prog to raw proto-metal -- all kinds of what gets called "hairy funk" here. Votel also makes use of interjections from what might be radio promo spots for Vertigo -- voices exclaiming "Vertigo! Vertigo!" and the like -- in order to smooth up his segues. In some ways, this might remind you a little bit of DJ Shadow's Entroducing, actually, not that these tracks have been fully edited into new compostions. But the love of dusty old prog grooves is the same.
Votel provides liner notes elaborating his enthusiasm for Vertigo (the label's role in his musical development, as a hip hop DJ with a fondness for prog) and his agonies over this project. Also you get a profile of Barry Winton, famed as the world's foremost Vertigo vinyl collector. And in addition, a portion of the cd booket is devoted to an appreciation of Keef, resident cover artist/graphic designer for Vertigo...which makes us think it would have been cool if they also presented a selection of covers here to look at, ah well.
Could be the best comp/DJ mix we've heard in ages. Boiling down an entire label to its essence over the span of one cd has got to be a tough task, and of course what Votel has selected is only a portion of the whole Vertigo story. But we can't nitpick with what he's done, this is a classy piece of work and deserving of kudos from all lovers of ye olde prog/psych. It might even convert some new lovers too! Recommended!!! (Description By Aquarius Records)

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usVertigo Mixtape...By Andy Votel
Out in Family Recordings

Linda Hoyle – Morning for One
Lighthouse – Love of A Woman
Cracious – Introduction
Nirvana – Modus Operandi
Aphrodite’s Child – Battle of The Locusts
Colosseum – The Kettle
Manfredd Mann – One Way Glass
Black Sabbath – Behind The Wall of Sleep
Assagai – Telephone Girl
Marsha Hunt’s 22 – (Oh No Not) The Beast Day
Affinity – Three Sisters
Juicy Lucy – Willie The Pimp
Gravy Train – Think of Life
Freedom – Toe Grabber
Flied Egg – Leave Me Woman
Frumpy – I’m Afraid Big Moon
Warhorse – Vulture Blood
Thin Lizzy – Johnny The Fox Meets Jimmy The Weed
Uriah Heep – Walking In Your Shadow
Tea – Through Scarlet
Juicy Lucy – Train
Bob Downes – Piccadilly Circles
Juicy Lucy – She’s Mine
Buffalo – Ballade of Irvin Fink
Atlantis – It’s Getting Better
Janne Schaffer – Air Mattress
Ian Carr – Hector’s House
Patto – Government Man
Atlantis – Living At The End of Time
Affinity – I Am You
Beggars Opera – Time Machine
Alan Stivell – An Dro Nevez
Agitation Free – Rucksturrz
ZAO – La Soupe
Catapilla – Embryonic Future
Brave New World – The End
Dr. Z – In A Tocken of Dispair
Atlantis – Let’s Get on The Road Again
Aphrodite’s Child – Do It
Black Sabbath – The Wizard
May Blitz – For Madmen Only
Baker Gurvitz Army – Memory Lane
May Blitz – In Part
Daddy Longlegs – Wheelin’ And Dealin’
Cressida – Lights In My Mind
Affinity – All Along The Watchtower
Trace – Galliarde
Brave New World – The End
May Blitz – Snakes And Ladders
Nucleus – Roots
Agitation Free – Haunted Island
Cressida – Let Them Come When They Will

More About Andy Votel

2 Minutes Samples From The Mix:

Media Player - Sample No' 1...Sample No' 2


"Now Is The Winter Of Our Discount Tents"
- Compilation -

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Friday, July 22

Jason Pierce is out from hospital & Spiritualized got a new site. Thank God!

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Thursday, July 21

Soulseek Mother**kers - Discussion >

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Cuki talk's about Soulseek (share or banned) for 5 pages in the music discussion space of Beyondjazz site. My friend over the sea have something to say about. Sharing files is a disgrace? well...

- Nilov

First of all Cuki & Routes have apparently too much free time, and should compile a collection of the writing either together or separately which can one day supplant (if just by mere length) the holy bible.

So let me add my short chapter.

Now, I’ve been reading this thread thinking should I or shouldn’t I post something (probably shouldn’t, but what the heck): I think we touched this issue a million times already, but I guess the cow is not dead yet, and I need to make sure I aim accurately this time: VINYL IS DEAD.

(And it has nothing to do with sound quality…).

Can someone explain to me, please, how pushing 500 units of anything worth all this trouble? I am far from being Big Business, but even a small wholesaler of travel products I can’t imagine even bothering with any product that I have only 500 or even 2000 units to sell. Sorry mates, doesn’t worth the effort in any type of business.

But yet vinyl preserves on, and with it ridiculous costs, various issues of pressings, re-pressings, shipments, customs, lost then found, etc.

And with the costs, as Davie mentions, comes an outrageous price for a 3 tracker with a life-span of 2 months tops, before it is escorted to its final destination and eternal resting place = your vinyl vault… you will pass by it once a day on your way to the toilet, as a kind of an unconscious farewell, or a visit to your great-great-great-great grandfather buried in an unmarked grave on which they built a café where you drink coffee every day. Your precious vinyl of past reduced to a black thin line standing horizontally among a thousand more of the same. Sure it impresses the girlies… I know…

Guys, vinyl costs too much, and creates too many difficulties in distribution, that with its digital counterpart you just have to start thinking on more volume, less costs and relatively less profit margin on each item sold. I am far from being an expert on technology, but from my experience in my field at least let me draw you a picture:

A distributor in Albania (whatever) has loaded his entire product to his online store. He makes contacts with online stores in Germany, Malaysia, Honduras and Ethiopia, they exchange their API or XML protocol (I think that what they call, from the little I understand from my IT manager at the office, he might as well be speaking Chinese), and seamlessly his product is loaded, displayed and becomes available in all of these stores. Was cost saved? Oh yes: AND not only for the distributor, but also for the retailer. In fact if an online record store finds enough partners of this kind they don’t need to load anything by themselves, they don’t even need to contract anybody else directly – they have the product.

And on the side of the distributor: once this link was done once, it can be done a million times and each time for much less. Hell, you can even dictate which script language the retailer must use in order to link with you… you can even sell him the back office operating system and collect capital on that too. We do that in the travel industry, why not in music?

But seriously Soulseek is not the problem, on a previous post I admitted using Soulseek occasionally, and yes I still do. I still purchase a shit load of music (I did the math and it is over 15% of my annual income), so quite frankly I don’t feel bad about ‘stealing’ “Black Land of the Nile” by Masqua Myers because Routes said it’s a gorgeous track, especially given that those fuckers didn’t think about me when they released it only on vinyl.

So what now Nilov? You want to hear this song, you want to buy it, but they are not selling it to you? What then? As Davie mentions, with Trancetracks digital and the likes there is at least a start in the right direction, and I am putting money where my mouth is… but where is the product???? Obviously they are trying, and probably they have difficulties in the beginning, but I couldn’t find one digital records store with more than 4 tracks I want to buy. They have nothing that I am looking for, their inventory is small and insignificant, and in most cases my feeling is that the suppliers/labels are dumping on them 90% shit that doesn’t sell traditionally, 10% things that sell so at least it will maintain the appearance of ‘we are trying”.

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Now, I cannot vouch that every Soulseek user is like me, but you are kidding yourselves if you think that the music that beyondjazz is representing is available on Soulseek. Broken beat/nu jazz is simply hardly there… sure search ‘Just a Little Lovin’ and you will find some, and click on Red Astaire and you will find plenty. But seriously can you honestly say anything to me about dling as much GAMM as I can on Soulseek???? I dare you!

And who in his right mind start promoting a product 6 months before it becomes available to order???? What sense does that make to you, good people of beyondjazz??? You want to kiss up to Gilles and send him an advance copy, what the... commo’n that’s not serious. Either you keep in your pants, or at least keep it your pants long enough just before you release the record. Radio shows should promote sells not theft right? What exactly is an advance copy on WW promoting?

A month in advance, that’s a reasonable amount of time to wait, me thinks. Send the copy to promote the album not promote your industry credibility, would be prudent. Then I will take you seriously. I just trying to think how would it look like if I start promoting to my clientele about a new contract I am negotiating and would not be available for months, how ridiculous would I look, if it didn’t fall through in the end?

Let me end with an analogy that actually this scene does not deserve, it would be appropriate to the major labels of the world, and THERE and only THERE is the real issue of file sharing, not this scene, it has nothing to do with this scene:

Probably you all read Chomsky (I personally prefer other leftist thinkers), but he written at least one thing that I like, I believe the book was called ‘the emperor and the pirate’. Chomsky tells of a famous pirate in the days of the Roman empire who was terrorizing the seas, looting Roman merchant ships, etc. Finally he is seized by the Roman fleet, and brought to the Emperor he is asked: “how dare you terrorize my sea and my empire?” To that the pirate answers: “How dare you terrorize the entire world?”.

Now the moral of this story has a lot to do with those huge corporations and network of thieves in a suite who run the entertainment industry: There is no way in the world someone can make so much money without excessively overpricing their product, which means that yes King Kong has nothing on me, and before I go to sleep each night I pray that the fuckers that sold the world the Britneys and the Jessica Simpsons of the like file bankrupt, and if filesharing is the trigger, than I will fire the first bullet.

& only if u were travelling outa space in the past 3 years - HERE - u can d l slsk mother**kers.

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& that was a show that i wont be able to forget for a long-long-long time...

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I had the honor to be present in this Rockfour Show tonight. For those who are not familiar with the band i'll say: it's cuz y'r not from my neighborhood but that's cool. Rockfour are three guys (use to be four so...) from Tel Aviv IL. they worked with Steve Albini & play around the US at the moment with material from 8 (!) album's so far, three sung in Hebrew & five sung in English. The style of the band was always pure psychedelic 60's with a touch of The Beatles a hint from the Pink Floyd a Glimmer Of The Who & a shining splendid reference to David Bowie & they'v been doing it for 15 years by now.

Today they'r in kinda peak of creation & playing abilities. Try to catch up a gig by Rockfour cuz if u do love & appreciate indie rock & Innaway kinda style i'm sure u wont be disappointed. b.t.w prep y'r self for a long-long-long & hypnotic qualitative jam session...



"Smell Of Sweets"
- real player - media player

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThe Last Album Cover. A New & Astonishing One Is Scheduled For November.

Wednesday, July 20

Sal Klita Blogger Was Attacked By Script Virus.

dear visitors,

My blog specifically was attacked by this vicious script virus & some posts have been lost. please come back in a day or two till i'll fix this prob.

ciao amigos...

Tuesday, July 19

Debut Album By The - Editors.

. . . H O M E - P A G E . . .

. . . L A B E L - P A G E . . .

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